Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wahh...kluar lagi arrtikel

Wah wah wah...setelah gua dah lama x update web ini , sekarang ini time tadi time gua online , tiba tibe terjumpa lak lagi satu artikel ni ... Herbalife

enjoy :)

my comments regarding the artikel ..

1 ) pertama sekali , if seseorang itu membeli pada harga retail , iaitu RM 163 , dan dibahagikan dengan 20 meals , mmg la mahal . Actually , Herbalife Formula 1 ini boleh membuat sehingga 28 meals , which boils down to about Rm 5 per meal.. lagi satu , yang ak pelik nye is that it is not stated that if he signs up to become a member , he would have enjoyed a 25 % discount on the products , and the formula 1 shake would now cost Rm 125 , and hence now the shakes would cost only Rm 4 per meal . Not to mention , you can also get up discounts up to   35 % , 42 % or even 50 % !!!

2 ) What differs me from other distributors in the direct selling industry is that i sell from the heart . When you become part of the Herbalife family , it is now becomes more than selling . In fact , I have never seen myself as a seller / distributor , for what i am merely doing is just sharing the opportunity with other people . All of my friends at school saw the changes in me , from ugly n stinky and sloppy to becoming a person in control , and perhaps how rich this experience is , is to the extent that I BEIEVE that I wouldn't have scored 9A +'s in my SPM had not my mother supplied me with Herbalife Shakes . Seriously , and this is not just plain lies . If you stil doubt my statement , what i recommend you is that you go out and find yourself a list of my dormates during my final year in SMSS . Next , ask them what do I eat everyday . I'm not going to reveal their indentities neither am I going to tell you their names , for I know you would suspect me of already bribing them or such . As a matter of fact , just to show you how indebted I am towards Herbalife , I wore the 'Lose Weight Now , Ask me How ' badge and the other one with Messi's face on it , to school during the day when the SPM results were released .
see ? the badge that i wore ? and at this time , i still haven't registered as a distributor , which means that I am just helping my mum in her business . 
and yeah , that was me before I met Herbalife . :)

3  ) I think to see a Herbalife review on is already fantastic enough to prove how thousands if not milions of people are aready benefiting from this product . bravo !

p/s By 2020 , Herbalife is going to be the number 1 Nutrition company in the world ! By 2020 , estimated sales would be 15 billion USD which means that there is going to be thousands of new milionaires created .Are you going to be one of them ? 

Friday, March 25, 2011

My Dream

Go to fullsize image

Everything in this world.............starts with a ..............dream :DD

Enjoy ! ( click on the word 'dream' )

InsyaAllah amin ...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Keputusan SPM 2010 - Ahmad Zharif

setelah 2 tahun ku bertungkus lumus .........dan tangis pilu .......serta berhempas pulas...........with bertimbun of Homeworks and tugasan2 ........................................











thanks to

The teachers of SMSS from form 1 to form 5
my supportive Vsionaries 0610
Abah yang x pernah berhenti medoakan n berusaha terhadap kejayaan aip
Mama yang x pernah berhenti menyayangi Aip dan terutama sekali membelikan Herbalife Formula 1 Shake untuk ak minum setiap pagi yang mmberikan ak tenage so dat x mengantuk dalam kelas or ttidur , serta senang nk ingat fakta2 yang banyak lagi pening =_=
semua cikgu2 yang pernah ajar ak time bengkel Perfect Score , Skor A Berita Harian , dan penceramah2 yang datang ke sekolah
my juniors yang hebat2 belake and slalu support ak
bibik ak di rumah yang selalu masakkan makanan ak time balik umah
uncles and aunties
opahs and atoks ( sukati je buat vocab sndiri hee )
adik2 kesayangan..aip harap korang ikut le jejak langkah abg ko ni
makcik2 dan pakcik2 cleaner kat sekolah sbb memastikan skolah kte bersih dan ceria..if x bersih camne nk blajar kan ?

And especially the Almighty Allah S.W.T. for his blessings and permission to get what I realy yearn for .

Alhamdulillah Syukur :D

"When you know , believe and have faith that you have done your best............. don't worry .......coz Allah will take care of the rest "

Monday, March 21, 2011

Penantian adalah satu penyeksaan


lagi 42 jam sahaja sebelum segala-galanya terjawab

segala titik peluh ku

segala penat lelahku

apakah ianya akan terjawab ?

ku masih ingat...

ketika itu kelas amat sunyi...sehingga tidak dapat digambarkan dengan kata-kata

ku lihat rakan-rakan ku terkulai layu

kepenatan setelah membuat latihan2 add maths yang memrah otak

Ah , tidur sekejap laa..pnat la..bisik hatiku kecil

tetapi tidak

ku lawan hasutan-hasutan itu

skit sahaja lagi zharif

lil bit more and it's over

bukan sekali atau sehari perkara sebegini berlaku

tetapi setiap hari , setiap subjek

ku masih ingat saat2 ku menjadi orang pertama yang sampai ke blok akademik setiap malam..dan ku jugalah yang menjadi orang terakhir yang meninggalkannya...setiap malam juga

ku masih ingat

saat di mana ak hampir berputus asa suatu ketika dahulu dengan  kertas bio ku

tetapi ku tidak pernah mengalah

ku baca setiap buku yang ada , dan ku buat setiap latihan yang diberi

ku ingat lagi perasaan kemenangan yang ku dakap tatkala ku berjaya mendapat tempat pertama di dalam batch untuk peperiksaan pertengahan tahun..

dan juga percubaan pertama ku

dan juga yang kedua

Ah !

Apakah perasaan yang sama akan ku dapat rabu ini ?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Perkampungan Ilmu

Waaa...juz came back from my alma mater . Before that .. congratz to my school for being crowned as this Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi / High Performance School . Rase puas yang tidak terhingga apabila merasakan setiap usaha dan cabaran ketika tahun 2010 , satu tahun penentu yang amat penting bagi kami , warga SMSS . Alhamdulillah , dengan berkat doa dan kepimpinan yang ditunjukkan by our daddy :)   pengetua , Tn. Hj . Nor Paizin , akhirnye visi sekolah hampir tercapai . Even though sekolah ak target nk jadi best sbp 2010 , tpi from the looks of it..mmg susah la kan...frst ly..mmg ak x tau ape kne la dgn nombor 2010 , tpi kat sume skolah kawan2 sbp ak , sume nk target 2010 jadi d best la , jd top 10 la...if sume orang target bnda same..msti la somebody's gotta lose out..unless la ttbe SPM 2010 (V) dpt no 1 nationals kan..cehh angan2 kuat bai haha.

Yang lagi satu best nye coz dapat jumpa dengan frens ..yang ade ialah Azfar , Safwan , Izz , Muiz , Acap n Shahmi . Ak dh la sampai lambat kat sekolah . Bila Azpa call , ape lagi , guna la trick biasa ...on the way beb.. in d end , meskipun dengan ribut petir dan kilat yang sambar menyambar di celah kepulan2 awan ( bpak x sdapnye lengok bahase --' ) , ak akhirnye berjaye smpai di tanah SMSS .

First2 ade klas fizik dkat dewan . Ak at first plan2 x nak pergi bnda bile pkir balik teachers yg dh byk ajar and bkas2 senior seperti arif capiti yang sanggup datang sekolah sbb nk tolong calon spm , ak trus make up my mind to attend this thing , walaupun untuk skjap .... tunjuk muke la katakan..lagi2 result nk kluar lagi bbrape hari ni...berkat weyh !

tp if korang rase fizik , chem , add math tu susah..ade yg lagi susah..

and that is being honest to urself.

Tadi ak mase otw balik ke rumah..ak sedih bile pkir if dat maybe the last time ak leh gelak2 with my frens sampai pkul 4 pagi . Dengan Izz yg pura2 tido and  berdengkur tp kantoi gak in d end and azpa and his lunatic acts...muiz asik buli azpa haha and safwan wif his love story awww

serious owh..if ak ade time machine..

ak nk bawak kamera

so dat i can take as much pictures as i can

so dat it will forever be in my heart

d past 5 years has indeed been irreplaceable

tp xpe...ak harap korang sume boleh join team herbalife ye..boleh kite gi vacation sama2..and boleh kita truskan perjuangan dan persahabatan sampai ke puncak kejayaan ... reunion setiap tahun tu ! haha XD

sempat lagi promote tu

Thursday, March 17, 2011

preparing for my business

okay guys...lets get to work...

ape yg ak perlukan untuk business herbalife ak berjaye...

1) Handphone & prepaid yg mckupi

Skang ni ak ngah pkai LG bnda ni slow ar..dh ar yg best nye because boleh store up to 1000 contacts..ingat nk pkai nokia 1100 if prospect tgok upline gune 1100 je wat pe ? Iphone pun mcam sampai 2000 do..bazir duit parents ak je..watpe..baik sedekah kat surau cehh :) tadi pun ak dh survey and compare antara maxis , celcom dan digi..tpi ak rase 4 d time being ak nk stay dengan maxis youth plan ak ar..yg ni confirm berbaloi..2013 expired..until then ak nk accumulate assets ak...time tu ak dh progress jauh dah..

2) Laptop & Broadband

Ni lagi satu benda yang penting..ak ingat & rase cam nk pkai macbook abg bile pkir2 balik..harga je dh smpai 3.5k --' maybe nk beli HP netbook je la kot..if not maybe acer ferrari

broadband? maybe nk pakai yang maxis usb 3gb plan..baru RM 68 monthly..knape x ambik smpa 6gb? nnti tu yg tgok video kat utube la..fb lama2 laa..last2 bazir masa ak je..time is money and money is time bro!

Disbbkan ianya USB , snang la nk bawak ke hulu ke hilir..x yah besar2 gedabak cam P1 Wimax..ingat ak ni unta ke ape nk bawak banyak2 haha

3) Ipad

Herbalife skang ni ade promotion..buat 20 000 volume points dapat ipad. 0_0..awesome bai! dh ar 64 gb..pastu ade wifi agi..adoi..jeles do tgok abg fadzil bwak ipad dia ..lpas ni dia dpat lagi satu..dh ar adelogo herbalife kat blakang die..tunjuk kat prospek kompem cair..
yang best nye if ade ipad ni..snang ckit nk tjuk testimonial2 kat orang lain..ianya seolah2 membawa mini-HOM ( herbalife opportunity meeting ) bersama anda di mana-mana sahaja.If dats not enough..bukak NYSE online tunjuk dia harga Herbalife nye stocks price...baru tau diorang dat dis is not a cikai2 nye business haha

4) Kereta

X kan la nk jumpa prospek naik keldai je.Mesti la nk travel sini sana , gi roadshow lagi..lpas tu nk kne pergi event dkat times square , marriott,ritz carlton , nk beli product kat plaza see hoy chan lagi .At the same time ,ak nk kne pilih kereta yang fuel economy nye hebat.Bila dh kaye nnti baru la boleh beli BMW beb..tpi skarang maybe nk beli Kia Picanto , Myvi , Viva atau Savvy .Biar kereta kecik tapi jiwa dan semangat besar !! haha :P Nape ak x beli cam honda city ke ape? Simple.Kerana motivation... Contohnya nanti lpas bbrape tahun or bulan bawak kereta ni , mesti ar rase tercabar dengan kereta2 yang lagi gempak dan hebat di jalan2 raya...Nnti akan ade instances di mana kereta kecil ku akan dipotong oleh gergasi2 jalan raye sperti BMW , Mercedes , Lotus dan x pe..itu akan mmbakar smgat ku utuk lbih cpat naik ke pres team!! haha..Maybe nk ambik 2nd hand je kot..watpe nk beli mahal2..20-25k ckup..bukannye nk tggal dlam kereta pun..bile smpai destinasi yg dituju kluar ar cpat2..if kereta selesa sangat..nnti x nk kuar kereta lak nnti..tu lagi satu hal .

At the same time , my car kene ade GPS..bak kate abg fadzil..kite kne reserve memory dlam otak ni untuk bnda2 lain..strategi bisnes la , prospect laa..kne pikir vp dh ckup blum nk qualify..jgn bazir mase , tnage dan hard disk space dlam otak untuk pkir directions..if sesat..dh kne spend time finding back the correct route..tu yg hilang klien nnti

yes2..the most important thing...logo herbalife!

kcik dan selesa...sesuai untuk orang liteweight cam ak 
bile dh kaye ckit baru ar boleh beli yang macam ni...

dh cun pun masih ade logo herbalife kah?
Tpi if ak dpat masuk KYUEM..rase nye x perlu la kot ade kereta..woo hoo! for the time being laa..bile kat UK nnti baru plan nk beli kereta ape .

5 ) Demo - set 

-Air kotak...yang setengah dozen yang mcam ak selalu beli before balik ke SMSS , yang ni pun penting..kne tau combination of dengan tropical fruit..dan soya yeo's dengan cappucino..slah resepi..hilang ar prospect

-Blender...yang ni beli cam abg fadzil nye tu..simple..x pyah bsar2 cam dlam Asian Food Channel tu..gua bukan chef wan nk masak nk buat simple shake je ye

-Ais..singgah 7-e beli satu beg..kite x tinggal kat antartika beb..korek tanah dapat kne la kuar duit sikit..alaa stakat singgit 2..ape sangat 

- F1 dan tea mix.. sorang x perlu minum banyak2..bagi skit..ckap if nk lagi..beli sendiri haha ..*bapak kejam nye ak name die Art of making sales.. ade la strategy nye..hee :P

- International Business Pack ( IBP ) - mcam mane nk recruit orang if x de IBP ? x kan nk tggu minggu depan leh x baru awak beli? saye x de stok ar arini..malu la..time tu ntah2 die nye mood n interest pun dh evaporate..mcam transfer window dlam epl la..bukak 2 kali's up to us to make the sales.

6 ) Business Kad , Flyers & Laman Web sndri

Kad & flyers dah web tu je x de..maybe nk jadi mcam Stella laa..ade web page sndiri..tu yg pergi jauh tu..80k a month ! X_X maybe ak nye nnti ade autoresponder , ade flash videos , ape agi?ckap je 
nnti ak try tanya mmber ak Haziq Marzuki tgok die leh tu plan next year. 

7 ) Ketahanan & Preseverance yang kental..

Yang ni ak x tau nk beli kat mane..tapi ak tau macam mana nk cari dan hasilkan sendiri..Lepas ni kompem la ade yg gelakkan aku la..termasuk orang2 yang sedang membaca post ak ni..tapi kesah ape ak..if ak jatuh miskin and hina..bukannye korang nk tolong is all up to me to change my fate and destiny..when you come to think of it..eventhough ak baru 17 tahun..tapi ak dh ade business sndiri..gmpak tu weyh ! not like most of my peers..all they know is to study study study , work work work , and then stuck in the rat race..

tp untuk mndapatkan ketahanan mental tu ..ak kne slalu pergi event herbalife..termasuklah EXTRAVAGANZZA yang akan diadakan di Bangkok , Mei ini !

Life changing event :)
Knape ak sbuk2 buat preparation ni ? Simple...

Failing to prepare ..preparing to fail.........

If i'm really serious about getting to Millionaire Team before 20 .. and becoming one of the most sought after gen-h speakers in herbalife..i have to show my seriousness . And this is just the frst step .

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Workout Fitness Goals and Achievements

X fit langsung
Mengantuk dalam kelas
x rajin beriadah

After Herbalife and fitness

did 55 consecutive push ups in 60 seconds
1 km in 4 minutes
12 pull ups
boleh buat bicep curls guna 10kg and 12 kg
plank 3 minute



none of this would be possible without my Formula 1 Shake that i make every morning


gila owh skang...if dulu 2 scoop je, tapi skang 4 scoop babe !!! ye la..mentang2 ar dh nampak result..

Skrang ni ak mkan ape pun..walaupun x de exercise..still maintain!! * ni yg nk pergi gym balik petang ni ..


100 consecutive pushups
50 m freestyle in 45 seconds
3km run in less than 20 minutes

before june 2011

one day..i'll look in d mirror and i'll find this
aminnnn :D

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pre-SPM result

Help me !

Hy heart is beating so fast i'm scared it might explode.

Ya Allah

Ak berpasrah kepada mu

kerana ak sudah mencuba yang terbaik

sudah ku cuba untuk memotivasikan setiap daripada organisasi visionaries ku

dan jika ku ikhlas dalam perjuangan ku

engkau berkatilah dan anugerahkanlah kami dengan sebaik-baik balasan

kerana tidak ada tempat lain yang kami bergantung melaikan kepadamu

dan engkaulah maha pemilik setiap yang wujud dan tidak ada tempat lain yang kami kembali melainkan kepada mu

sesungguhnya engkau sahajalah yang maha mengetahui betapa berusahanya aku pada tahun lepas

betapa engkau uji aku dengan 2 ujian yang paling menyedihkan dalam hidup aku ketika itu

Ya Allah

Aku sudah bertawakkal

jika aku tidak dapat straight A+ pun

ak redha

kerana aku tahu

rezeki ku belum sampai

dan jika aku mendapat straight A +

akan ku sujud kepada mu wahai pemilik sekalian alam

amin ya rabbal alamin


Saturday, March 12, 2011

PKTR 2011...well almost ! huh :p


*p/s if you are an alumni of pktr ..congrats! if you are selected for the upcoming interview..than continue to read..for u will find it useful :)

PKTR ni is the singkatan for Program Kepimpinan Tun Razak . Technically , me and Acap Amin was selected by our lovely school counsellor , Pn. Intan for the interview. Needless to say , eventhough i was highly touted to attend the programme... I didn't.


but that doesn't mean it's the end of the world right?

lessons come in different and unexpected ways , one thing for sure.

The despair and sadness that this unlucky twist of fate brought is actually nothing less than a blessing in disguise . Without me realizing it , i found myself being a better person . in terms of PR in this case of course . I start to interact with everyone . I'm beginning to be in control . No longer being a cry2 baby haha .

Where'd it went wrong ?


It was overconfidence..

something that looked so simple , yet so lethal .

it gives you the FALSE hope and faith.

You's very hard for me to explain..


To whomever it may concern ..

As much as i hate to admit.. I really want to attend this programme.When you come to think of it..who doesn't want to?

Being in the elite group of the top 50 would-be-leaders ( i hope ) and corporates who would one day lead the country is just the perfect meal for the ego of yours.

But Allah had better plans for me..

For he knows ( not knew ) that if i were to attend this programme , i might turn into someone selfish and cocky with everyone..which i really don't want to happen .

At the same time , i might take opt for the lackluster attitude when facing future and upcoming interviews. And this , would cost me a dearly RM 1 million in scholarship worth. :( Why ? When overconfidence steps in ... you take the group discussions lightly and pretend that you are already the best in the world.

During the interview , despite i was prepared for it..Deep inside me , i know . that i was actually beaming with pride and ego..X kan debater sekolah and international x dapat...bisik hatiku kecil.

And yeah Zharif, mmg x dapat..Subhanallah..God is great

Tu la msg yg ak nk sampaikan.If ade peluang , tolong lah guna dengan sebaiknya.

Don't waste anything if not everything.You may never know whether you'll cross upon those kind of opportunities.

Life is cruel.It'll push you around . It's up to you to take your stance.It's up to you to decide.
I learned my lesson , which is not to be a hard but meaningful way.

Just now I went to Mid Valley to celebrate Hanie's birthday.At first she invited about 100 people ! Although only about half of the number came to the occassion , we went separate ways until lunch time.The PKTRs pergi mane entah , the SSP gang with dorang and yg tinggal is me , Shahmi and hussein.Haziq ? Demam haha

Throughout the day , i kept on looking at the PKTR gang.Very happy , cheerful and enjoying their time . Telling each other how they miss one another makes me sad too , in the sense that i wasn't unable to participate . Its the feeling of being left behind , when all you know is that it is nothing less than your own ego and attitude that keeps you away from them.

But trust me.This is just the beginning.I started 2010 with 2 painful events and yet it ended splendidly. What makes you think 2011 would be any different ?

Friday, March 11, 2011

One of the thingz i learned in one of the Herbalife Trainings

‎21 Characteristics/Qualities

1. Self-Confidence
2. Warmth
3. Excitement
4. Attitude
5. Uplifting
6. Remember Names
7. Listening
8. Relax
9. Commitment
10. Talents and Abilities
11. Be Healthy
12. Empathy
13. Inner Strength
14. Appearance
15. Charismatic Leadership
16. Flexible
17. Intuition
18. Action Oriented
19. Humor
20. Polite, respectful, be inviting
21. Humility

Rate yourself in each characteristic from 1-10.

Choose three areas where you want to improve. eg. Self-confidence.

Write down your positive affirmations to improve those areas. eg. "I am very confident of myself." or "I have a very high self-confidence."

Read those affirmations aloud in the morning after you wake up and at night before you sleep.

Repeat it for 30 days and you will see yourself improving in that area.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Anti - Herbalife ?


Salam satu herbalife..

wahhh...makin rajin ak berblog nmpaknye...yela..especially sbb dh jumpe blog orang2 hebat dlam herbalife seperti abg joe dan kak amalina . Baru la pham makne internet sbagai DMO..

p/s korang tau ke DMO tu ape ? DMO ni stands for daily method of operation , iaitu kaedah2 untuk mengembangkan bisnes..nak tau lagi byak abbreviations , join la..nnti ak ajar haha

ok balik kepada topik asal....Setelah tercipta nye google , ak ni mmg boleh dkatekan peminat setia . Adik ak , lutfi , jgn citer ar. Macam mane nk gelecek bola , dribble like cristiano ronaldo , boot total 90 nike , sume di-searchnye dkat youtube and google. Untuk diri ak sndiri , Herbalife la yg ak search .

Tp malang skali , ape yg ak jumpe hanyalah komen2 negatif. Cakap bnda ni fraud laa, nothing less than placebo effect laa..dan ak ni sbgai hambanye yg lemah serta insan yg tidak berdaya , turut terhasut la gak dgn bnda2 ni . Bak kate islamik nye , goyah la gak iman tu kekadang.

Ak hanye mmpu berdoa..

Agar ditunjukkan jalan yang benar .

Ya Allah , if this thing is fraud . Help me to uncover it

Tp Allah itu maha adil

At first mcam2 la dugaan

uncle sndiri x percaya , kwan2 gelakkan , tp alhamdulillah semua itu ak tepiskan.

Akhirnye doa ak termakbul ,

click je la link ni...

p/s credits to abg joe sbb rajin tulis blog.X perlu la susah2 saye nk counter smua anasir2 jahat ni. Harap kite dua boleh jadi pres team . Insya-Allah :)

Dan benarlah , tidaklah rugi dan menyesal orang yang bermusyawarah dan beristikharah
Thank you Allah